Basque Country

 Automatic process for requesting an appointment (Click here)

Province of Araba/Álava

Vitoria/Gasteiz Provincial Immigration and Border Brigade

Address: C/ Oñate S/N – 01013, Vitoria/Gasteiz

Telephone: 945209642

Fax: 945209618


  • Return Authorizations
  • Invitation card
  • Certificates and NIE assignment
  • Students
  • TIE Expedition
  • Nationality Reports
  • Extensions of stay
  • Community Regime
  • Non-profit residences
  • Asylum and Refugee Applications
  • Travel titles and registration certificates

Province of Gipuzkoa

Provincial Immigration and Border Brigade of Donostia/San Sebastián

Address: C/ José María Salaberría Nº 19 – 20010, Donostia/San Sebastian

Telephone: 943449809 / 943449810 / 943449811

Fax: 943449797


  • Return Authorizations
  • Invitation card
  • Certificates and NIE assignment
  • Students
  • TIE Expedition
  • Nationality Reports
  • Extensions of stay
  • Community Regime
  • Non-profit residences
  • Asylum and Refugee Applications
  • Travel titles and registration certificates

Irun Local Police Station

Address: Plaza del Ensanche Nº 2 – 20300, Irun

Telephone: 943639533

Fax: 943639495


  • Return Authorizations
  • Invitation card
  • Certificates and NIE assignment
  • TIE Expedition
  • Nationality Reports
  • Community Regime

Province of Bizkaia

Bilbao Provincial Immigration and Border Brigade

Address: C/ Gordoniz Nº 8 – 48015, Bilbao

Telephone: 944709151

Fax: 944709100


  • Return Authorizations
  • Invitation card
  • Certificates and NIE assignment
  • Students
  • TIE Expedition
  • Nationality Reports
  • Extensions of stay
  • Community Regime
  • Non-Profit Residence
  • Asylum and Refugee Applications
  • Travel titles and registration certificates

Rafael Reyes Pulido