Rooting for training

Residence authorizations for
Exceptional circumstances


Foreigners who prove continuous stay in Spain for a minimum period of two years may obtain an authorization.

In addition, you must cumulatively meet the following requirements:

a) Have no criminal record in Spain and in your country of origin or in the country or countries in which you have resided during the last five years.

b) Commit to carry out regulated training for employment or to obtain a certificate of professionalism, or training leading to obtaining the certification of technical aptitude or professional qualification necessary for the exercise of a specific occupation or one promoted by the Public Services of Employment (SEPE) and oriented to the performance of occupations included in the Catalog of occupations that are difficult to cover, or, in the field of continuing training of universities, committing to carrying out courses to expand or update training skills and abilities or professionals as well as other permanent training courses. For these purposes, registration must have been carried out within three months of notification of the resolution granting the residence authorization.

In order to prove the roots for training, the interested party must present:

  • Application form on official EX-10 model in duplicate, duly completed and signed by the foreigner.
  • Complete photocopy of the passport, travel document or registration card valid for at least four months.
  • Criminal record certificate issued by the Authorities of the country or countries in which you have resided during the last five years prior to entering Spain.
  • Proof of permanent and continued residence in Spain during the two years prior to submitting the application.


Rafael Reyes Pulido