AGREEMENT on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union

Issuance of the residence document to UK nationals residing in Spain in accordance with the conditions established in the Withdrawal Agreement 
The Residence Document may be requested from July 6, 2020. 
A) If the UK national is the holder of a temporary registration certificate and has NOT reached five years of legal residence in Spain You may personally request, before the police agencies that are established, the issuance of the residence document. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (Art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for five years. 
B) If the UK national is the holder of a temporary registration certificate and has reached the years of legal residence in Spain (without having obtained, prior to applying for this residence document, a permanent registration certificate) may request in person, before the police units that are established. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (Art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for ten years. (Permanent) 
C) If the UK national is the holder of a permanent registration certificate You may personally request, before the police agencies that are established, the issuance of the residence document. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for ten years. (Permanent) 
D) If the UK national is NOT the holder of a registration certificate, You may submit your application for this residence document, personally or through your representative, at the immigration office of the province in which you reside or intend to establish your residence, or by electronic means. Once this has been granted, you must go to the authorized police department that will issue the document upon payment of the established fees. 
Regarding the actions before the immigration office: 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 20 Application for residence document art. 18.4 for nationals of the United Kingdom (Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy community). 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Documentation proving that the applicant is included in the personal scope of application of the Agreement, specifically, the beginning of his residence in Spain, and any means of proof admitted by law must be admitted. 
    • Documentation provided for in article 3 Order PRE/1490/2012, of July 9, which establishes rules for the application of article 7 of Royal Decree 240/2007 
Article 3 of Order PRE/1490/2012, of July 9, which dictates rules for the application of article 7 of Royal Decree 240/2007.  
1. All registration applications must be accompanied by the applicant's passport or valid national identity document. If these documents are expired, a copy of them and the renewal request must be provided. 
2. In addition, the following documentation will be required, depending on the circumstances in which the applicant finds himself: 
a) Employed workers must provide a declaration of employment from the employer or a certificate of employment. These documents must include, at least, data related to the name and address of the company, tax identification and contribution account code. In any case, the presentation of the employment contract registered in the corresponding Public Employment Service or registration document, or situation assimilated to registration, in the corresponding Social Security regime will be accepted, although the provision of this documentation will not be necessary. if the interested party consents to the verification of said data in the Files of the General Treasury of Social Security. 
b) Self-employed workers will provide proof that they are self-employed. In any case, registration in the Census of Economic Activities or the justification of its establishment through registration in the Commercial Registry or the registration document or status assimilated to registration in the corresponding Social Security regime will be admitted, although it will not be The provision of this documentation is necessary if the interested party consents to the verification of said data in the Files of the General Treasury of Social Security or the Tax Agency. 
c) People who do not carry out a work activity in Spain must provide documentation proving compliance with the following two conditions: 
1. Health insurance, public or private, contracted in Spain or in another country, provided that it provides coverage in Spain during your period of residence equivalent to that provided by the National Health System. 
In any case, it will be understood that pensioners meet this condition if they prove, through the corresponding certification, that they have the right to health care at the expense of the State from which they receive their pension. 
2nd Provision of sufficient resources, for himself and his family members, to not become a burden on the social assistance of Spain during his period of residence. 
The accreditation of the possession of sufficient resources, whether from periodic income, including income from work or another type, or from the possession of assets, will be carried out by any means of proof admitted by law, such as property titles, certified checks. , supporting documentation for obtaining capital income or credit cards, providing in the latter case an updated bank certification that certifies the amount available as credit on the aforementioned card. 
The assessment of the sufficiency of means must be carried out on an individual basis, and in any case, taking into account the personal and family situation of the applicant. 
The possession of resources that are greater than the amount established each year by the General State Budget Law to generate the right to receive a non-contributory benefit, taking into account the personal and family situation of the person, will be considered sufficient accreditation to comply with this requirement. interested. 
d) Students, including those taking vocational training courses, must present documentation proving compliance with the following conditions: 
1st Enrollment in a center, public or private, recognized or financed by the competent educational administration. 
2. Health insurance, public or private, contracted in Spain or in another country as long as it provides complete coverage in Spain. However, this condition will be considered met if the student has a European health card with a validity period that covers the entire period of residence and that entitles him or her to receive, exclusively, the health benefits that are necessary from a medical point of view. , taking into account the nature of the benefits and the expected duration. 
3. Responsible declaration that you have sufficient resources for yourself and your family members, so as not to become a burden on Spain's social assistance during your period of residence. 
Participation in European Union programs that promote educational exchanges for students and teachers will be considered sufficient accreditation to meet these requirements. 
In the case of family members of the United Kingdom national who also hold British nationality, they must prove that said United Kingdom national, with whom they meet or accompany, meets the conditions depending on the situation in which they are found.  
If the request is approved: 
Regarding the actions before the police department: 
Within a period of one month from the notification of the resolution on the residence document, you must personally request its issuance. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for five years for those cases whose residence does not reach five years (Temporary); and ten years for those cases whose residence is longer than five years (Permanent). 
Issuance of the residence document provided for in article 18.4 to family members and any other third-country nationals residing in Spain in accordance with the conditions established in the Withdrawal Agreement. 
TO) If the family member or another person, a third-country national, is the holder of a temporary family member card of a Union citizen and has NOT reached five years of legal residence in Spain You may personally request, before the police agencies that are established, the issuance of the residence document. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for five years (Temporary). 
B) If the family member or another person, a third-country national, is the holder of a temporary family member card of a Union citizen and has reached five years of legal residence in Spain You may submit the application for this residence document personally or through your representative, at the immigration office of the province in which you reside, or by electronic means. Once it has been granted, you must go to the authorized police department that will issue the document, upon payment of the established fees. 
About the actions in the immigration office: 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 21 Application for residence document art. 18.4 for family members, NTP, of United Kingdom nationals (Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community). 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Documentation accrediting the factual assumption that entitles the document. 
If the request is approved: 
Regarding the actions before the police department: 
Within a period of one month from the notification of the resolution on the residence document, you must personally request its issuance. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for ten years (Permanent). 
C) If the family member or another person, a third-country national, is the holder of a permanent family member card of a Union citizen You may personally request, before the police agencies that are established, the issuance of the residence document. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (Art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for ten years (Permanent). 
D) If the family member or another person, a third-country national, is NOT the holder of a Union citizen family card, you may submit the application for this residence document, personally or through your representative, at the immigration office of the province in which you reside, or by electronic means. Once this has been granted, you must go to the authorized police department that will issue the document, upon payment of the established fees. 
Regarding the actions before the immigration office: 
You must present the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 21 Application for residence document art. 18.4 for family members, NTP, of United Kingdom nationals (Withdrawal Agreement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community). 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Documentation proving, where appropriate duly translated and apostilled or legalized, of the existence of the family bond, marriage or registered union that grants the right to the card. 
    • Registration certificate or residence document of the UK national they are accompanying or meeting. 
    • Documentation proving, in cases where this is required, that the applicant for the residence document lives in the care of the United Kingdom national of whom he or she is a family member. 
If the request is approved: 
Regarding the actions before the police department: 
Within a period of one month from the notification of the resolution on the residence document, you must personally request its issuance. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Application form EX 23 Card application (Art. 18.4 Withdrawal agreement) 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the passport is expired, a copy of it and the renewal application must be provided. 
    • Form accrediting payment of the corresponding fee (form 790, code 012). 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
At the time of delivery of the residence document, the citizen must prove that he or she is the recipient of the document by presenting his or her valid and current passport. 
The residence document will be valid for five years (Temporary) for those cases in which the residence of the United Kingdom national of whom he is a family member does not reach five years; ten years for those cases whose residence of the United Kingdom national to whom he is related is greater than five years (Permanent). 
 Renewal of the residence document provided for in article 18.4 of the Withdrawal Agreement. 
The renewal of the residence document provided for in article 18.4 must be requested when its validity expires. 
A) in the event that the interested parties are in possession of a temporary residence document, a residence document will be issued for ten years, renewable automatically every ten years (Permanent). 
B) in cases in which the interested party is holder of a permanent residence document, a residence document will be issued for ten years, renewable automatically every ten years. Failure to submit an application for renewal of the residence document within the deadlines established in section 2 will not in any case imply loss of your right of permanent residence. 
The application must be submitted in the official form established for this purpose, during the month prior to the expiration of the residence document, and may also be submitted within three months after said expiration date without prejudice to the corresponding administrative sanction. 
You must provide the following documentation: 
    • Valid and current passport of the applicant. In the event that the document is expired, a copy of it and the renewal request must be provided. 
    • Form that certifies payment of the fee for processing the procedure. 
    • A photograph, in accordance with the requirements established in the regulations on national identity documents. 
The authorities competent to process and resolve the application for a residence document may, exceptionally, collect information on possible criminal records of the interested party from the authorities of the State of origin or those of other States. 
Advice on the process, call now 696 976 407 or write to the email
Rafael Reyes Pulido