Procedure for processing extraordinary subsidy for domestic workers

Procedure for processing extraordinary subsidy for Domestic Employees. 

The beneficiaries of the extraordinary subsidy for lack of activity for people integrated into the Special System for Household Employees of the General Social Security Regime will be people who are REGISTERED in said Special System before the entry into force of the Royal Decree by which The State of Alarm is declared, and they are in any of the following situations:
  • They have stopped providing services totally or partially temporarily due to the health emergency.
  • Your employment contract has been terminated due to dismissal due to the employer's withdrawal, due to death or any other cause attributable to the employer and any other cause of force majeure attributable to the employer and provided that the causes that determine the termination of the contract contract are beyond the will of the worker and are due to the health crisis.
1. The extraordinary subsidy must be requested by presenting the duly completed form available in the electronic office (SEPE). (Download Application Form)
2. The application must be accompanied by the responsible declaration signed by the employer or persons, confirming that the data provided by the worker in the application regarding the employment relationship that unites them are true.
3. The presentation of the application will be carried out by electronic means through the electronic headquarters of the SEPE, General Electronic Registry of the AGE (You must have an electronic signature/DNI, own a Digital certificate either be registered in Cl@ve.
4. In the case of termination of the employment contract:
  • Letter of dismissal or withdrawal from the employer or withdrawal from the Special System for Domestic Employees of the General Social Security Regime.
  • Or, where appropriate, the responsible declaration of the employer. (Download Responsible Declaration Form)
The application submission period will begin the day after publication from May 5, 2020, the date of entry into force of the Resolution of April 30 of the SEPE, and will end on the last day of validity of the measure. , in accordance with the twelfth final provision of Royal Decree-Law 11/2020, of March 31.
In general, the measures provided for in this royal decree-law will remain in force until one month after the end of the declaration of the state of alarm. Notwithstanding the above, those measures provided for in this royal decree-law that have a specific duration will be subject to it. 
Without prejudice to the above, the validity of the measures provided for in this royal decree-law, after evaluating the situation, may be extended by the Government by royal decree-law. 
In the event that at the time of the causative event, one or more other employment relationships are maintained, a responsible declaration signed by the employer or employers must be provided, stating the net remuneration received.
Compatibility of the extraordinary subsidy. 
The extraordinary subsidy for lack of activity will be compatible with the perceptions derived from self-employed or employed activities that were being carried out at the time of its accrual, including those that determine registration in the Special System for Domestic Employees of the Regime. General Social Security, provided that the sum of the monthly income derived from the subsidy and the challenge of activities (own or those of others) is not higher than the Minimum Interprofessional Wage.
Incompatibility of the extraordinary subsidy 
  • Be a beneficiary of temporary disability subsidy
  • Have enjoyed recoverable paid leave for employed people who do not provide essential services.
  • The performance of self-employed or employed activities initiated after the request for the extraordinary subsidy due to lack of activity when the sum of the income derived from the subsidy and the rest of the activities is greater than the Minimum Interprofessional Wage.
In order to verify the compatibility or incompatibility of the subsidy, the SEPE must be notified of the variations that, if applicable, occur both in the performance of work and in respect to the remuneration derived from compatible activities, as well as the obtaining of benefits of a nature. economic of Social Security.
Data verification 
The beneficiary of the extraordinary subsidy must communicate any variation that occurs in their employment situation or in their remuneration from the submission of the application and during the receipt of the extraordinary subsidy, at the same time that the variation occurs and at the latest. within three calendar days.
Rafael Reyes Pulido