International mobility – Residence and work authorizations – Spain

International Mobility – Investors

Any foreigner over 18 years of age who has made a significant investment in Spain can request residence authorization as an investor if the investment meets the minimum amounts required:

  1. Investment in financial assets:
    • Public Debt (€2 million).
    • Shares or equity interests in Spanish capital companies (€1 million).
    • Investment funds, closed-end investment funds or venture capital funds established in Spain (€1 million).
    • Bank deposits in Spanish financial institutions (€1 million).
  1. Investment in real estate (€500,000).
  2. Investment in a business project in Spain: there is no minimum amount in this type of investment, its impact on the general interest is assessed:
    • Creation of jobs.
    • Socioeconomic impact in the geographical area where it will be developed.
    • Relevant contribution to scientific and/or technological innovation.

International Mobility – Entrepreneurs

Foreign citizens over 18 years of age who intend to develop an entrepreneurial and business activity, of an innovative nature that has special economic interest for Spain.

Those foreigners who apply to enter Spain or who, being holders of a stay or residence authorization or visa, intend to start, develop or direct an entrepreneurial economic activity in Spain.

There are no minimums for investment or job creation.

An entrepreneurial activity will be understood as one that is innovative and/or has special economic interest for Spain and for this purpose has a favorable report issued by ENISA who will assess:

  1. The professional profile of the applicant and their involvement in the project. If there are several partners, the participation of each of them will be evaluated, both those who request a visa or authorization and those who do not require the same.
  2. The business plan, which will include a description of the project, the product or service it develops, and its financing, including the required investment and possible sources of financing.
  3. The elements that generate added value for the Spanish economy, innovation or investment opportunities.

International Mobility – Highly qualified professionals

Foreign professionals with a job offer in Spain for the development of an employment or professional relationship in a management position or activity for which a higher education qualification is required or, exceptionally, a minimum of three years of professional experience is accredited that can be considered comparable to said qualification, related to the activity for which the authorization is granted.

International Mobility – Researchers

Foreigners who wish to develop training, research, development and innovation activities in public or private entities established in Spain and who have an offer to develop this activity.

International Mobility – Workers who carry out inter-company movements

Foreigners who temporarily move to Spain within the framework of an employment, professional relationship or for reasons of professional training, from a foreign company to a company or group of companies established in Spain.

Two options:

  1. Authorization for ICT-EU intra-company transfer for those managers, specialists and training workers who carry out intra-company movements within the same company or group of companies.
  2. National authorization for intra-company transfer for other cases, for example, the transfer of workers for the execution of a contract (CSS) between a Spanish company and a foreign one or the transfer of workers due to a professional relationship (IPs).

International Mobility – Workers in productions in the audiovisual and cultural sector

For foreign artists, technicians and professionals who are going to carry out activities within the audiovisual sector, artistic activities before the public or intended for recording of any type for dissemination through different mass media, as well as family members who accompany the professional.

This authorization will be requested when professionals are going to carry out an activity in the audiovisual sector for a period of more than 180 days. If the foreigner is outside of Spain, once the residence authorization has been granted, he or she must apply for the corresponding visa.

International Mobility – Authorizations for the 37th Sailing America's Cup. Barcelona

Addressed to:

1. Professionals related to the construction, maintenance or repair of nautical equipment.

2. Sailors.

3. Professionals in the field of communication, logistics and event management, with extensive experience in this type of activities and who have participated in previous editions of the Copa América.

4. Other people who perform professional support tasks in the sporting, technical, logistical or administration and management fields of the competition.

All of them belonging to companies that participate in the preparation or celebration of the 37th Copa América in Barcelona.

The spouse, the spouse, or person with an analogous proven emotional relationship, the minor or adult daughters and sons who, economically dependent on the owner, have not constituted a family unit by themselves and those who are dependent ascendants who depend on economically of the owner.

The request must be made through the electronic office

It will be requested under the type of authorization: NATIONAL INTRA-COMPANY TRANSFER

In the last field “Observations” the “AMERICA CUP” will be stated.

International Mobility – International Teleworkers

  1. What is an international teleworker?

A worker authorized to remain in Spain to carry out a remote work or professional activity for companies located outside the national territory, through the exclusive use of computer, telematic and telecommunications means and systems.

2. Who can obtain an authorization as an international teleworker?

A national of a third state, of legal age. (Does not apply to citizens of the European Union or those to whom European Union law applies)

3. Can a self-employed person be considered an international teleworker?

Yes, as long as you prove a professional relationship through a commercial contract with the foreign company for which you work for a minimum of three months and that company authorizes the transfer to Spain.

4. Is registration with Social Security mandatory in Spain?

Yes, when carrying out work activity from Spain, registration is mandatory, and two cases may arise:

    • Employed worker: The company must register with Social Security to be able to enroll the teleworker here in the General Regime.
    • Self-employed. The worker himself must register in the self-employed worker regime (RETA)

The requirement of registration in Social Security can only be replaced by the importation of the right from the country of origin, as long as there is an international agreement on social security signed between Spain and that country and the social security administration of origin issues a document based on said agreement for teleworkers that provides temporary coverage in Spain.

It is important to emphasize that only some of the countries with an agreement issue the coverage certificate for teleworkers.

5. If the company has a branch in Spain, can I enroll them in social security through said company or import the right to social security from countries with an agreement based on said transfer.

In that case, they would not be considered teleworkers but workers transferred between companies or ICT (Intra Company Transfer), being governed by said figure and its specific requirements.

6. What other requirements are necessary?

Not being irregularly in Spain.

    • Lack of criminal record in Spain and in the country/ies where they have resided for the five years prior to the application (Certificate/s must be provided from the country where they have resided during the two years prior to the application and a sworn declaration of not having criminal record in the countries of residence of the last five years)
    • Have public insurance (through registration with Social Security) or equivalent private health insurance arranged with a insurance entity authorized to operate in Spain. Travel insurance is not valid, nor those limited to reimbursement of medical expenses, nor those with waiting periods or co-payments.
    • Have sufficient financial resources for yourself and your family members during your period of residence in Spain.

7. Can you do other jobs in Spain?

Always from the premise that their work can only be carried out exclusively through computer, telematic and telecommunications means and systems, two assumptions are possible:

    • Employment relationship: In Spain you can only work for the company located outside the national territory for which you provide teleworking benefits.
    • Professional relationship: You can work for a company located in Spain, as long as you maintain the professional relationship with the company with which you are requesting authorization and the percentage of said work with the Spanish company/s is a professional relationship (never employment). and does not exceed 20 % of the total of your professional activity

8. What absences outside the national territory can a teleworker accumulate?

They can be absent for a maximum of six months per calendar year to continue maintaining the requirements for obtaining authorization.

9. Can family members obtain an authorization/visa?

Yes, the spouse or person with a similar emotional relationship, the minor or adult children who, depending financially on the owner, have not themselves constituted a family unit and the dependent ascendants, who meet or accompany the foreigners can request, jointly and simultaneously or successively, the authorization and, where appropriate, the visa.

10. Can family members work in Spain?

Yes, the fourth additional provision of Law 14/2013 establishes that residence authorizations authorize you to reside and work (both self-employed and employed).

11. Should minimum economic resources (means of living) be proven?

Yes, applicants for international teleworking visas or residence authorizations must prove that they have financial resources for themselves and their family members in accordance with the following amounts:

    • Holders of visas and residence authorizations: amount that represents monthly the 200% of the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI)
    • Family units that include two people, counting the titular person and the reunified person: at least 75% of the SMI. A 25% from the SMI will be required for each member additional to the two mentioned people.

These amounts can be accredited, among others, with the contract, payroll, certificate of the displacing company, etc.

International Mobility – Relatives of the previous cases

For the purposes of this Law, relatives of the holders are considered to be the spouse or person with a similar emotional relationship, the minor or adult sons and daughters who, depending financially on the holder, have not themselves constituted a family unit. . Also the ascendants in charge of the owner.